§ 27-2.1. Contracts for fire protection or emergency medical services forfederal and state property.
Any county, city or town may contract with the federal or state governmentsto provide fire or emergency medical service to federal or state propertylocated within or without the boundaries of the county, city or town.
In the absence of a written contract, any acts performed and all expendituresmade by a county, city or town in providing fire protection or emergencymedical services to property owned by the federal government shall be deemedconclusively to be for a public and governmental purpose and all of theimmunities from liability enjoyed by a county, city or town when actingthrough its fire fighters or emergency medical technicians for a public orgovernmental purpose within or without its territorial limits shall beenjoyed by it to the same extent when such county, city or town is so acting,under the provisions of this section, or under other lawful authority.
The fire fighters or emergency medical technicians of any county, city ortown when acting hereunder, or under other lawful authority, shall have allof the immunities from liability and exemptions from laws, ordinances andregulations, and shall have all of the pension, relief, disability, workers'compensation and other benefits enjoyed by them while performing theirrespective duties.
The amount of compensation to the county, city or town pursuant to thecontract shall be a matter within the sole discretion of the governing bodyof the county, city or town.
(1980, c. 729; 1995, c. 461.)