§ 27-15.2. Purchase, maintenance, etc., of equipment; donated equipment.
A. The governing body of every city, town or county shall have power toprovide for the purchase, operation, manning and maintenance of suitableequipment for fighting fires or performing emergency medical services in orupon the property of the city, town or county and of its inhabitants, and toprescribe the terms and conditions upon which the same will be used forfighting fires or performing emergency medical services in or upon privatelyowned property. All equipment purchased after October 1, 1970, shall beequipped with threads of USA Standard B2.3, B2.4 of the American StandardsAssociation.
B. Any fire/EMS department of a city, town, or county, or any fire/EMScompany donating equipment for fighting fires or performing emergency medicalservices to any fire/EMS department or any fire/EMS company, which equipmentmet existing engineering and safety standards at the time of its purchase bythe donating entity, shall be immune from civil liability unless the donatingentity acted with gross negligence or willful misconduct.
C. A safety inspection must be completed by a certified emergency vehicleservice center and a report designating any deficiencies shall be providedprior to the change in ownership of the donated emergency vehicle.
(1970, c. 187; 2001, c. 142; 2010, c. 545.)