§ 27-32. Summoning witnesses and taking evidence.
In making investigations pursuant to § 27-31, the fire marshal may issue asummons directed to a sheriff or sergeant of any county, city or towncommanding the officer to summon witnesses to attend before him at such timeand place as he may direct. Any such officer to whom the summons isdelivered, shall forthwith execute it, and make return thereof to the firemarshal at the time and place named therein.
Witnesses, on whom the summons before mentioned is served, may be compelledby the fire marshal to attend and give evidence, and shall be liable in likemanner as if the summons had been issued by a magistrate in a criminal case.They shall be sworn by the fire marshal before giving evidence, and theirevidence shall be reduced to writing by him, or under his direction, andsubscribed by them respectively.
(Code 1919, §§ 3138, 4808, 4810; 1970, c. 187; 1997, c. 436; 2008, cc. 551,691.)