§ 27-32.1. Right of entry to investigate cause of fire or explosion.
If in making such an investigation, the fire marshal shall make complaintunder oath that there is good cause of suspicion or belief that the burningof or explosion on any land, building or vessel or of any object was causedby any act constituting a crime as defined in Article 1 (§ 18.2-77 et seq.)of Chapter 5 of Title 18.2 and that he has been refused admittance to theland, building or vessel or to examine the object in or on which any fire orexplosion occurred within fifteen days after the extinguishment of such, anymagistrate serving the city or county where the land, building, vessel orobject is located may issue a warrant to the sheriff of the county or thesergeant of the city requiring him to enter such land, building or vessel orthe premises upon which the object is located in the company of the firemarshal for the purposes of conducting a search for evidence showing thatsuch fire or explosion was caused by any act defined in Article 1 of Chapter5, of Title 18.2.
(1970, c. 187; 2008, cc. 551, 691.)