§ 27-34.2:1. Police powers of fire marshals.
In addition to such other duties as may be prescribed by law, the local firemarshal and those assistants appointed pursuant to § 27-36 designated by thefire marshal shall, if authorized by the governing body of the county, cityor town appointing the local fire marshal, have the same police powers as asheriff, police officer or law-enforcement officer. The investigation andprosecution of all offenses involving hazardous materials, fires, firebombings, bombings, attempts or threats to commit such offenses, false alarmsrelating to such offenses, possession and manufacture of explosive devices,substances and fire bombs shall be the responsibility of the fire marshal orhis designee, if authorized by the governing body of the county, city or townappointing the local fire marshal. The police powers granted in this sectionshall not be exercised by any local fire marshal or assistant until suchperson has satisfactorily completed a course for fire marshals with policepowers, designed by the Department of Fire Programs in cooperation with theDepartment of Criminal Justice Services, which course shall be approved bythe Virginia Fire Services Board.
In addition, fire marshals with police powers shall continue to exercisethose powers only upon satisfactory participation in in-service and advancedcourses and programs designed by the Department of Fire Programs incooperation with the Department of Criminal Justice Services, which coursesshall be approved by the Virginia Fire Services Board.
(1977, c. 209; 1979, c. 446; 1984, c. 779; 1986, c. 60; 1988, c. 65; 2000,cc. 39, 390.)