§ 27-52. Inspection of buildings designated in preceding section.
In cities and towns having police and fire departments or having a fireinspector employed by such city or town, the respective heads of suchdepartments and the mayor of such city or town shall, as a committee ofthree, or the fire inspector of such city or town, inspect at leastsemiannually, all buildings mentioned in § 27-51 which are located in theircity or town, and see that the provisions thereof are complied with.
In cities and towns which do not possess police and fire departments or afire inspector, the mayor and two members of the council to be selected bythe mayor shall, as a committee of three, inspect all such buildings locatedin their city or town semiannually, and see that the provisions of § 27-51are complied with. Any such building as to which such provisions have notbeen complied with, may be closed by order of the mayor of the city or townuntil the provisions are complied with.
(Code 1919, § 3143; R. P. 1948, § 27-37; 1974, c. 41.)