§ 27-95. Definitions.
As used in this chapter, unless the context or subject matter requiresotherwise, the following words or terms shall have the meaning hereinascribed to them:
"Board" means the Board of Housing and Community Development.
"Code provisions" means the provisions of the Fire Prevention Code asadopted and promulgated by the Board, and the amendments thereof as adoptedand promulgated from time to time by such Board.
"Enforcement agency" means the agency or agencies of any local governingbody or the State Fire Marshal charged with the administration or enforcementof the Fire Prevention Code.
"Fire Prevention Code" or "Code" means the Statewide Fire Prevention Code.
"Fire prevention regulation" means any law, rule, resolution, regulation,ordinance or code, general or special, or compilation thereof to safeguardlife and property from the hazards of fire or explosion arising from theimproper maintenance of life safety and fire prevention and protectionmaterials, devices, systems and structures, and the unsafe storage, handlingand use of substances, materials and devices, including explosives andblasting agents, wherever located, heretofore or hereafter enacted or adoptedby the Commonwealth or any county or municipality, including departments,boards, bureaus, commissions or other agencies.
"Fire Services Board" means the Virginia Fire Services Board as providedfor in § 9.1-202.
"Fireworks" means any firecracker, torpedo, skyrocket, or other substanceor object, of whatever form or construction, that contains any explosive orinflammable compound or substance, and is intended, or commonly known asfireworks, and which explodes, rises into the air or travels laterally, orfires projectiles into the air.
"Fireworks operator" or "pyrotechnician" means any person engaged in thedesign, setup, and firing of any fireworks other than permissible fireworkseither inside a building or structure or outdoors.
"Inspection warrant" means an order in writing, made in the name of theCommonwealth, signed by any judge or magistrate whose territorialjurisdiction encompasses the building, structure or premises to be inspectedor entered, and directed to a state or local official, commanding him toenter and to conduct any inspection, examination, testing or collection ofsamples for testing required or authorized by the Virginia Statewide FirePrevention Code.
"Local government" means the governing body of any city, county or town inthis Commonwealth.
"Permissible fireworks" means any sparklers, fountains, Pharaoh's serpents,caps for pistols, or pinwheels commonly known as whirligigs or spinningjennies.
"State Fire Marshal" means the State Fire Marshal as provided for by §36-139.2.
(1986, c. 429; 1988, cc. 340, 549; 1989, c. 258; 2002, c. 856; 2010, cc. 587,643.)