§ 27-99. State buildings.
The Fire Prevention Code shall be applicable to all state-owned buildings andstructures. Every agency, commission or institution, including allinstitutions of higher education, of the Commonwealth shall permit, at allreasonable hours, a local fire official reasonable access to existingstructures or a structure under construction or renovation, for the purposesof performing an informational and advisory fire safety inspection. The localfire official may submit, subsequent to performing such inspection, hisfindings and recommendations including a list of corrective actions necessaryto ensure that such structure is reasonably safe from the hazards of fire tothe appropriate official of such agency, commission, or institution and theState Fire Marshal. Such agency, commission or institution shall notify,within 60 days of receipt of such findings and recommendations, the StateFire Marshal and the local fire official of the corrective measures taken toeliminate the hazards reported by the local fire official. The State FireMarshal shall have the same power in the enforcement of this section as isprovided for in § 27-98.
The State Fire Marshal may enter into an agreement as is provided for in §9.1-207 with any local enforcement agency that enforces the Fire PreventionCode to enforce this section and to take immediate enforcement action uponverification of a complaint of an imminent hazard such as a chained orblocked exit door, improper storage of flammable liquids, use of decorativematerials and overcrowding.
(1986, c. 429; 1989, c. 258; 1994, c. 275; 1997, c. 584; 2007, cc. 647, 741.)