§ 28.2-1100. Virginia Institute of Marine Science continued; duties.
The Virginia Institute of Marine Science shall hereafter be referred to asthe Institute. The Institute shall:
1. Conduct studies and investigations of the seafood and commercial fishingand sport fishing industries;
2. Consider ways to conserve, develop and replenish fisheries resources andadvise the Marine Resources Commission and other agencies and private groupson these matters;
3. Conduct studies of problems pertaining to the other segments of themaritime economy;
4. Conduct studies of marine pollution in cooperation with the State WaterControl Board and the Department of Health and make the data and theirrecommendations available to the appropriate agencies;
5. Conduct hydrographic and biological studies of the Chesapeake Bay, itstributaries, and all the tidal waters of the Commonwealth and the contiguouswaters of the Atlantic Ocean;
6. Engage in research in the marine sciences;
7. Conduct such special studies and investigations concerning these subjectsas requested by the Governor; and
8. Engage in research and provide training, technical assistance and adviceto the Board of Conservation and Recreation on erosion along tidalshorelines, the Soil and Water Conservation Board on matters relating totidal shoreline erosion, and to other agencies upon request.
These studies shall include consideration of the seafood and other marineresources, such as the waters, bottoms, shore lines, tidal wetlands, andbeaches, and all matters related to marine waters and the means by whichmarine resources might be conserved, developed and replenished.
(Code 1950, §§ 28-248, 28-250, 28-250.1; 1962, c. 406, § 28.1-195; 1979, c.294; 1980, c. 369; 1992, c. 836; 2003, cc. 79, 89.)