§ 28.2-1202. Rights of owners to extend to mean low-water mark.
A. Subject to the provisions of § 28.2-1200, the limits or bounds of thetracts of land lying on the bays, rivers, creeks and shores within thejurisdiction of the Commonwealth, and the rights and privileges of the ownersof such lands, shall extend to the mean low-water mark but no farther, exceptwhere a creek or river, or some part thereof, is comprised within the limitsof a lawful survey.
B. For purposes of this section, "lawful survey" means the boundaries ofany land, including submerged lands, held under a special grant or compact asrequired by § 28.2-1200, such boundaries having been determined by generallyaccepted surveying methods and evidenced by a plat or map thereof recorded inthe circuit court clerk's office of the county or city in which the land lies.
(Code 1950, § 62-2; 1968, c. 659, § 62.1-2; 1972, c. 865; 1992, c. 836.)