§ 28.2-1205.1. Coordinated review of water resources projects.
A. Applications for water resources projects that require a Virginia MarineResources permit and an individual Virginia Water Protection Permit under §62.1-44.15:20 shall be submitted and processed through a joint applicationand review process.
B. The Commissioner and the Director of the Department of EnvironmentalQuality, in consultation with the Virginia Institute of Marine Science, theDepartment of Game and Inland Fisheries, the Department of HistoricResources, the Department of Health, the Department of Conservation andRecreation, the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, andany other appropriate or interested state agency, shall coordinate the jointreview process to ensure the orderly evaluation of projects requiring bothpermits.
C. The joint review process shall include, but not be limited to, provisionsto ensure that: (i) the initial application for the project shall beadvertised simultaneously by the Commission and the Department ofEnvironmental Quality; (ii) project reviews shall be completed by all stateagencies that have been asked to review and provide comments, within 45 daysof project notification by the Commission and the Department of EnvironmentalQuality; (iii) the Commission and the State Water Control Board shallcoordinate permit issuance and, to the extent practicable, shall take actionon the permit application no later than one year after the agencies havereceived complete applications; (iv) to the extent practicable, theCommission and the State Water Control Board shall take action concurrently,but no more than six months apart; and (v) upon taking its final action oneach permit, the Commission and the State Water Control Board shall provideeach other with notification of its action and any and all supportinginformation, including any background materials or exhibits used in theapplication.
(2005, c. 49.)