§ 28.2-1401. Powers and duties of Commission.
A. The Commission may receive gifts, grants, bequests, and devises of coastalprimary sand dunes, beaches, and money which shall be held for the usesprescribed by the donor, grantor, or testator and in accordance with theprovisions of this chapter.
B. The Commission shall preserve and protect coastal primary sand dunes andbeaches and prevent their despoliation and destruction. Whenever practical,the Commission shall accommodate necessary economic development in a mannerconsistent with the protection of these features. The Commission shall manageany coastal primary sand dunes and beaches it receives as provided in Article2 (§ 28.2-1503 et seq.) of Chapter 15 of this title.
C. In order to perform its duties under this section and to assist counties,cities and towns in regulating coastal primary sand dunes and beaches, theCommission shall, with the advice and assistance of the Virginia Institute ofMarine Science, promulgate guidelines which describe the consequences of useof these dunes and beaches.
D. In developing guidelines or regulations under this chapter, the Commissionshall consult with all affected state agencies. Consistent with other legalrights, consideration shall be given to the importance of coastal primarysand dunes with their unique physiographic features which, in their naturalstate, serve as protective barriers from the effects of flooding and erosioncaused by coastal storms, thereby protecting life and property; provide anessential source of natural sand replenishment for beaches and an importantnatural habitat for coastal fauna; and enhance the scenic and recreationalattractiveness of Virginia's coastal area.
(1972, c. 711, § 62.1-13.17; 1980, c. 660, §§ 62.1-13.21, 62.1-13.24; 1984,c. 556; 1989, c. 342; 1992, c. 836; 1994, c. 112; 1995, c. 850.)