§ 28.2-1500. Definitions.
As used in this chapter, unless the context requires a different meaning:
"Beach" shall have the same meaning ascribed thereto in subsection A of §28.2-1400.
"Initial inventory" means a set of maps prepared by, at the direction of,or with the approval of the Commission which have been filed prior to January1, 1995, with the clerk of the circuit court and the commissioner of revenuein any county in that portion of the Commonwealth separated from the largerportion of the Commonwealth by the Chesapeake Bay and in which the ungrantedshores of the sea, marsh and meadowlands mapped therein are located.
"Inventory" means a set of maps prepared by, at the direction of, or withthe approval of the Commission, mapping certain ungranted shores of the sea,marsh and meadowlands in any county in that portion of the Commonwealthseparated from the larger portion of the Commonwealth by the Chesapeake Bay.
"Marsh" or "meadowland" shall have the same meaning ascribed to vegetatedwetlands in § 28.2-1300.
"Shores of the sea" means a beach or any unvegetated lands lying contiguousto mean low water and between mean low water and mean high water.
"Ungranted shores of the sea, marsh or meadowlands" means (i) shores of thesea which were not conveyed by special grant or compact according to lawprior to April 1, 1873, and which have not been conveyed by special grant ofthe General Assembly on or after that date and (ii) marsh or meadowlandswhich were not appropriated and remained ungranted prior to February 24,1888, and which have not been conveyed by special grant of the GeneralAssembly on or after that date.
"Virginia Coastal Land Management Advisory Council" or "Council" meansthe Virginia Coastal Land Management Advisory Council created pursuant to §28.2-1505.
(1995, c. 850.)