§ 28.2-1504. Preparation of management plan.
A. The Commission shall prepare and implement a plan for the management ofthe Commonwealth's ungranted shores of the sea, marsh and meadowlands. Themanagement plan, and any regulations and guidelines promulgated to implementthe management plan, shall conserve and protect the shores of the sea, marshand meadowlands, and the natural values and natural processes associatedtherewith. To the extent not inconsistent with that goal, the management planshall also consider the traditional uses of such properties and the promotionof tourism and commerce. Through methods consistent with that goal, themanagement plan, and any regulations and guidelines promulgated to implementthe management plan, shall recognize the use of such properties, where theyhave been so used in the past, as a commons by the people of the Commonwealthfor the purpose of fishing, fowling, hunting, and the taking and catching ofoysters and other shellfish. The Commission shall review the management planevery five years.
B. In developing regulations, guidelines, or management plans under thischapter, the Commission shall consult with the Virginia Coastal LandManagement Advisory Council.
(1995, c. 850.)