§ 28.2-1505. Virginia Coastal Land Management Advisory Council established.
A. There is hereby created the Virginia Coastal Land Management AdvisoryCouncil. The Council shall advise the Commission on issues relating to themanagement of ungranted shores of the sea, marsh and meadowlands, and shalladvise the Commission on the development of the management plan preparedpursuant to § 28.2-1504.
B. The Council shall consist of six members appointed by the Governor, whoshall be residents of a county in which there are ungranted shores of thesea, marsh or meadowlands, and who shall represent tourism and commerce,traditional uses of shores of the sea, marsh and meadowlands, andconservation interests; however, if any private person or entity owns morethan fifty percent of the land area of the barrier islands of the EasternShore that are privately owned, such person or entity shall be one of suchmembers. In appointing these members, the Governor shall considerrecommendations submitted by the boards of supervisors of counties in whichthe Commission is managing the largest portions of the ungranted shores ofthe sea, marsh or meadowlands. The Council shall also include (i) theDirector of the Department of Conservation and Recreation or his designee,(ii) the Director of the Department of Game and Inland Fisheries or hisdesignee, and (iii) the Commissioner or his designee.
C. The term of office of each appointed member shall be for three years.Appointments to fill vacancies shall be made to fill the unexpired term.
D. Members shall receive no compensation for their services but shall receivereimbursement for actual expenses.
E. The Council shall meet at the call of the Commissioner or at least onceper year.
(1995, c. 850.)