§ 28.2-1506. Filing of initial inventories; amended or supplementalinventories.
Whenever any privately owned land in any of such counties is to betransferred, and the transferor or the transferee requests clarification asto whether any portion of such land is claimed by the Commonwealth asungranted shores of the sea, marsh or meadowlands, the Commission shallreview the matter, and, if it determines that all or any portion of such landconstitutes ungranted shores of the sea, marsh or meadowlands, the Commissionshall file an amended or supplemental inventory as it may deem appropriate.Any such amended or supplemental inventory shall be filed in the same officesas the initial inventory for such area. The Commission shall not prepare orfile any such amended or supplemental inventory unless (1) suchclassification is requested by a transferor or transferee as provided herein,or (2) (a) the federal government has asserted title to any ungranted shoresof the sea, marsh or meadowlands excluding the Wallops Island Naval/Aegisfacility and all land adjacent thereto lying to the south that is used for afederal National Wildlife Refuge, (b) both the Governor and Attorney Generalconcur in writing that all or any of the property to which the federalgovernment has asserted title constitutes ungranted shores of the sea, marshor meadowlands, and (c) such amended or supplemental inventory only assertsthe Commonwealth's title to the portion of such property that constitutesungranted shores of the sea, marsh or meadowlands as concurred in by theGovernor and the Attorney General.
(1995, c. 850.)