§ 28.2-200. Definitions.
As used in this subtitle, unless the context requires a different meaning:
"Cultured hard-shell clams" means hard-shell clams (Mercenaria mercenaria)that have been spawned in a hatchery or controlled setting for the purpose ofproducing seed clams (juveniles), and planted on leased grounds, floatingstructures, or other privately controlled growing areas, and covered withnetting or otherwise protected from predators until harvested.
"Haul seine" means a net made of mesh webbing which may include a pocketand a wing net, set vertically in water and pulled by hand or power tocapture and confine fish by encirclement.
"James River seed area" means that area in the James River and itstributaries above a line drawn from Cooper's Creek in Isle of Wight County onthe south side of the James River to a line in a northeasterly directionacross the James River to the Newport News municipal water tank located onWarwick Boulevard between 59th Street and 60th Street in the City of NewportNews.
"Mouth of the Rappahannock River" means the area beginning at StingrayPoint, Middlesex County, at the United States Army Corps of Engineers surveystation "Bird," an aluminum disk set in the top of a concrete monument,being located at coordinates 453,785.17 North, 2,638,116.66 East, 1927 NorthAmerican Datum - Virginia South Zone; thence 12 degrees 52' 35" (gridazimuth) 20,846.73 feet to a point on the Eastern side of Windmill Point,Lancaster County, designated as Virginia Marine Resources Commission surveystation "Windmill," a one and one-half inch iron pipe driven flush with theground, being located at coordinates 474,107.68 North, 2,642,762.29 East,1927 North American Datum - Virginia South Zone.
"Pound net" means any net having a funnel mouth, round mouth or squaremouth with the head exposed above the water.
"Resident" means any person who maintains his principal place of abode inVirginia with the intent to make Virginia his domicile.
"Shoals" means subaqueous elevations covered by water less than four feetdeep at mean low water.
(Code 1950, §§ 28-1, 28-46, 28-93, 28-93.1, 28-93.2, 28-112, 28-201.4; 1954,c. 38; 1958, cc. 182, 476; 1960, c. 517; 1962, c. 406, §§ 28.1-1, 28.1-51,28.1-98, 28.1-148; 1966, c. 684; 1968, cc. 746, 747; 1972, c. 472; 1978, c.208; 1980, c. 325; 1981, c. 52; 1986, c. 254; 1992, c. 836; 1994, c. 124;2003, c. 604.)