§ 28.2-205. Scientific collection permits; penalty.
A. Except as provided for in § 28.2-1101, it is unlawful for any person toremove from the waters of the Commonwealth under the jurisdiction of theCommission any marine fish, marine shellfish, or marine organisms fortechnical research, scientific, educational or museum purposes without havingfirst obtained from the Commissioner a collection permit.
A violation of this subsection is a Class 3 misdemeanor.
B. Application for a permit shall be made in writing to the Commissioner.There shall be no charge for a permit, and the permit shall not betransferable. The issuance of the permit shall be governed by applicableCommission regulations and shall be subject to any reasonable terms andconditions imposed by the Commissioner. The Commissioner may, with theapproval of the Commission, require an applicant for such permit to submit tothe Commissioner any data or results acquired through the use of the permit.
C. Any person who has been issued a scientific collection permit shall beexempt from any licensing provision of this subtitle relating to the takingor catching of fish, shellfish, or marine organisms.
(1977, c. 33, § 28.1-3.1; 1992, c. 836.)