§ 28.2-208. Marine Fishing Improvement Fund continued.
There is hereby continued a special, nonreverting fund in the state treasuryto be known as the Marine Fishing Improvement Fund, hereinafter referred toas the Fund. The Fund shall consist of (i) that portion of the nonresidentharvester's license fees which have not been allocated to the Virginia MarineProducts Fund as provided for in § 28.2-227, (ii) fees collected from theregistration of commercial fishermen under § 28.2-241, and (iii) feescollected from the sale of seafood landing licenses under § 28.2-228.1. TheFund shall be administered by the Commission and used solely for (i) managingand improving marine fisheries, (ii) seafood product promotion anddevelopment services, (iii) mandatory reporting and stock assessment, (iv)education of commercial fishermen, (v) conservation and management strategiesidentified by the General Assembly and the Commission, (vi) publicinformation pamphlets and summaries of rules issued with gear licenses, and(vii) retaining commercial fishermen to engage in replenishment, research,and stock assessment activities.
(1991, c. 411, § 28.1-47.2; 1992, c. 836; 1993, c. 10; 1994, c. 541; 1996, c.214.)