§ 28.2-209. Publication of proposed regulations.
No regulation of general application shall be promulgated until the expressterms or a summary including a statement of purpose and substance of theproposed regulation has been published by and at the expense of the agency atleast once in daily papers published and having general circulation inRichmond, Norfolk, and Newport News. If the regulation has only localapplication, a similar notice shall be published in daily or weekly papers,whichever have greater circulation in the locality in which the regulationapplies. A copy of every regulation shall be filed in the office of theCommission and open to public inspection. Such publication and filing shallbe not less than fifteen days prior to the day on which the public hearing isscheduled. The published notice shall state the time, place, and nature ofthe hearing.
(1962, c. 406, § 28.1-24; 1984, c. 187; 1988, c. 364; 1992, c. 836; 2001, c.599.)