§ 28.2-228. License for purchase of fish, shellfish, or marine organisms fromthe catcher; fee.
A. Any person, purchasing from the catcher, oysters or clams caught from thepublic grounds of the Commonwealth or the Potomac River, or crabs, fish, orother seafood caught from the waters of the Commonwealth or the PotomacRiver, shall pay a license fee of (i) fifty dollars for each place ofbusiness and (ii) twenty-five dollars for each boat or motor vehicle used forbuying. The Commission may subsequently revise the cost of licenses pursuantto § 28.2-201.
B. No license shall be required of any person purchasing seafood for personalconsumption, any place of business which is solely a restaurant, or anyperson who operates a business which is subject to local license taxes under§ 58.1-3703 and who has in his possession no more than one bushel of peelercrabs to be sold as bait.
(1970, c. 726, § 28.1-119.1; 1979, c. 274; 1980, c. 218; 1984, c. 316; 1988,c. 27; 1992, c. 836; 2009, c. 9.)