§ 28.2-234. License tags and identification numbers to be fastened; penalty.
A. License tags or identification numbers shall be attached and displayed inthe following manner:
1. License tags for fixed fishery devices, including pound nets, fyke nets,crab traps, and staked gill nets, shall be fastened to one of the offshorestakes.
2. License tags for anchored gill nets and drift gill nets shall be fastenedto a flagstaff or a buoy that is visible from the surface.
3. License tags for vessels using haul seines, purse nets, trawl nets, crabpots, trotlines, and crab scrapes shall be fastened at a conspicuous place onthe starboard side or the mast of the vessel.
4. License tags issued for businesses purchasing seafood shall be affixed ina conspicuous place on the business establishment, boat or motor vehicle.
5. Identification numbers when issued for particular devices shall be appliedby the license holder and shall be in place at all times when the gear isdeployed.
B. Any such licensee who fails to properly attach or display such a licensetag or identification number is guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor.
(Code 1950, §§ 28-43, 28-77, 28-78, 28-175; 1960, c. 517; 1962, c. 406, §§28.1-48, 28.1-74, 28.1-76, 28.1-171; 1966, c. 684; 1968, cc. 748, 750, §28.1-173.2; 1970, c. 726, § 28.1-119.1; 1972, c. 833; 1973, c. 21; 1976, c.392; 1979, c. 274; 1980, c. 218; 1981, c. 61; 1983, c. 307; 1984, c. 316;1988, c. 27; 1990, c. 445; 1992, c. 836.)