§ 28.2-302.10:1. Lifetime saltwater recreational fishing licenses forresidents and nonresidents.
A. Any resident or nonresident individual may apply for and receive from theCommission a lifetime saltwater recreational fishing license after payment ofa fee of $250, except as provided in subsection C. This license shall bevalid for the life of the individual and shall not be transferable.
B. All funds collected pursuant to this section shall be paid into the statetreasury to the credit of the Virginia Saltwater Recreational FishingDevelopment Fund, as established by § 28.2-302.3.
C. Any resident forty-five years of age or older who applies for the lifetimelicense authorized by this section shall receive such a license for one ofthe following fees based on age: age forty-five through fifty, $120; agefifty-one through fifty-five, $90; age fifty-six through sixty, $60; and agesixty-one through sixty-four, $30.
D. The Commission may subsequently revise the cost of licenses in thissection pursuant to § 28.2-201.
(1999, c. 107; 2009, c. 9.)