§ 28.2-302.3. Virginia Saltwater Recreational Fishing Development Fundestablished.
There is hereby established a special, nonreverting fund in the statetreasury to be known as the Virginia Saltwater Recreational FishingDevelopment Fund, hereafter referred to as the Fund. The interest earned onthe principal of the Fund also shall not revert to the general fund. The Fundshall be administered by the Commission, to be used solely for the purposesof conserving and enhancing finfish species taken by recreational anglers;enforcing the provisions of §§ 28.2-302, 28.2-302.1, and 28.2-302.6 through28.2-302.9 and regulations promulgated thereunder; improving recreationalfishing opportunities; administrating the Virginia Saltwater Sport FishingTournament certificates program; obtaining necessary data and conductingresearch for fisheries management; and creating or restoring habitat forspecies taken by recreational fishermen. The Fund shall consist of moneyscollected pursuant to §§ 28.2-302, 28.2-302.2, and 28.2-302.6 through28.2-302.9.
(1992, c. 895; 1995, c. 169.)