§ 28.2-302.4. Virginia Recreational Fishing Advisory Board established.
A. There is hereby established the Virginia Recreational Fishing AdvisoryBoard, which shall hereinafter be known as the Board. The Board shall advisethe Commission in the expenditure of moneys received in the Fund.
B. The Board shall consist of nine members selected from a list of nomineesby organized groups, clubs, civic organizations or self-nominations andappointed by the Commissioner who are representative of the interestsassociated with recreational fishing including representatives from organizedrecreational clubs and others interested in recreational fishing. Themembership shall be representative of the geographic area covered by thelicense.
C. The term of office of each member shall be for three years, provided thatinitial appointments shall be three members appointed for three years, threemembers appointed for two years and three members appointed for one year.Appointments to fill vacancies shall be made to fill the unexpired term.
D. Members shall receive no compensation for their services but shall receivereimbursement for actual expenses. The Board shall meet at the call of theCommissioner or at least four times yearly.
(1992, c. 895.)