§ 28.2-302.9. Commercial fishing pier.
A. The owner of a commercial fishing pier, as defined in § 28.2-302, shallhave the option of purchasing a saltwater recreational fishing license,covering his customers, in order to meet the licensing requirements set forthin § 28.2-302.1. The cost of the license shall be $450. If the owner of thepier does not purchase such a license, individuals shall still purchase alicense as required by § 28.2-302.1.
B. Owners of commercial piers shall report catch and other data as are deemednecessary by the Commission for effective fisheries management.
C. All funds collected pursuant to this section shall be paid into the statetreasury to the credit of the Virginia Saltwater Recreational FishingDevelopment Fund, as established by § 28.2-302.3. The Commission maysubsequently revise the cost of licenses in this section pursuant to §28.2-201.
(1992, c. 895; 2009, c. 9.)