§ 28.2-315. Fishing with trawl net within three-mile limit; license fee.
A. It is unlawful to catch fish, shellfish, or marine organisms within thethree-mile limit of the Virginia Atlantic shoreline with trawl nets orsimilar devices. However, the Commission may issue licenses to trawl withinthe three-mile limit from Cape Charles north to the Maryland line, exceptduring September and October and from 36° 40' north latitude south to theNorth Carolina line at any time, and from Cape Henry south to 36° 40'north latitude between October 1 and May 1.
B. The Commission, to protect or promote the fisheries, may close and openthe area, or any part thereof, described in subsection A to trawling orrestrict the manner, method, size, and season of catch.
C. The license fee to fish with a trawl net or similar device in the areadescribed in subsection A shall be $100 or as subsequently revised by theCommission pursuant to § 28.2-201 for each boat so employed.
(Code 1950, § 28-71; 1960, c. 517; 1962, c. 406, § 28.1-70; 1974, c. 85;1979, c. 18, § 28.1-69.1; 1979, c. 274; 1981, c. 52; 1983, c. 307; 1992, c.836; 2009, c. 9.)