§ 28.2-400. Application for license for resident or nonresident to catchmenhaden.
A. Any nonresident owning or holding by lease or charter a purse net, seine,or vessel of any description used in the waters of this Commonwealth, orwaters within the jurisdiction of this Commonwealth, to catch menhaden shallapply to the Commissioner for a license. A resident shall apply for alicense to the Commissioner through the officer assigned to the district inwhich the fish processing factory is located, or in which the applicantresides or has its principal office.
B. If the applicant for a license is a corporation, the application shall bemade by an officer or one of the directors of the corporation; if theapplicant is a partnership, the application shall be made by a generalpartner; if the applicant is a joint venture or other firm, by a memberthereof; and if the applicant is an individual, by such individual.
C. The application shall be in writing and sworn to by the applicant before anotary public or other person authorized to administer oaths and shalldisclose:
1. The true name of the person, firm, or corporation owning the purse net,seine, or vessel, and all the related apparatus, and the true name of anypersons, firms, or corporations holding the same by lease or charter, forwhich the license is desired; if it is a firm, the true names of all themembers of the firm; and, if it is a corporation, whether it is a domestic orforeign corporation and the location of its principal office.
2. The name of each vessel for which such a license is desired.
3. The location of the factory which is to process the menhaden so taken andcaught.
4. That, during the period of this license, the applicant will not violateany of the laws of the Commonwealth in regard to the taking and catching offish.
(Code 1950, § 28-63; 1962, c. 406, § 28.1-61; 1966, c. 684; 1978, c. 347;1992, c. 836.)