§ 28.2-521. Revocation of license or permit to dredge.
The Commission, on testimony of an officer at a hearing that he haspersonally observed a person having dredging cable or dredging equipmentoverboard or in any way engaged in dredging in any area other than where aperson holds a lawful permit or license to dredge, may revoke all permits andlicenses held by the person to dredge on public or private grounds and mayrefuse to issue any licenses or permits for such purposes for a period of oneyear. Before the Commission holds a hearing pursuant to this section, itshall provide at least five days' written notice to the permittee orlicensee. Notice shall be served either by a Commission officer or bycertified mail addressed to the permit or license holder at the address givenon the permit or license.
(Code 1950, § 28-153; 1962, c. 406, § 28.1-135; 1992, c. 836.)