§ 28.2-542. Public Oyster Rocks Replenishment Fund.
All oyster replenishment taxes collected by the Commission shall be depositedin the state treasury and credited to a special Public Oyster RocksReplenishment Fund, to be used only for administration of the program and forreplenishment, planting, and replanting the public oyster rocks, beds, andshoals of this Commonwealth, with seed oysters, oyster shells, or othermaterial which will catch, support, and grow oysters. These funds shall bewithdrawn and expended for such purpose on the order of the Commission.Expenditures and disbursements from the Fund shall be made by the StateTreasurer on warrant of the Comptroller issued on vouchers signed by personsdesignated by the Commission.
(1962, cc. 406, 636, §§ 28.1-94, 28.1-94.1; 1992, c. 836.)