§ 28.2-609. Restrictions on assigned acreage and applications.
No assignment, except in the Chesapeake Bay, shall exceed 250 acres. Anapplicant, after having 250 acres of general oyster-planting ground assignedto him, shall not apply for another assignment of oyster grounds within sixmonths from the day his assignment was recorded and completed. If anassignment is not made within six months after the expiration of the notice,the application shall, upon the expiration of six months, lapse and becomevoid, unless the Commissioner allows an extension. When a protest has beenfiled with the Commission against the granting of an application, theapplication shall not lapse until the Commission has finally acted upon theapplication.
(Code 1950, § 28-124; 1954, c. 352; 1958, c. 183; 1960, c. 517; 1962, c. 406,§ 28.1-109(8); 1964, c. 393; 1966, c. 684; 1970, c. 726; 1972, c. 644; 1973,c. 14; 1978, cc. 546, 548; 1980, cc. 34, 609; 1984, c. 259; 1992, c. 836.)