§ 28.2-633. Bathing grounds; assignment; rental.
Any person desiring to obtain a location for bathing grounds shall apply tothe Commissioner to have the location designated, surveyed, and assigned. Anannual rental fee of $7.50 per acre shall be charged for obtaining such alocation. The cost for the assignment of bathing grounds shall be threedollars. Any such application, surveying, assigning, and marking shallconform to the law pertaining to oyster-planting grounds. Such licensesshall be for public or commercial bathing grounds only.
If any lessee of bathing ground has his ground or any portion thereofresurveyed or if he reassigns any or all of the ground, the resurvey orreassignment shall not be considered a twenty-year renewal of his lease, oras a new assignment of the ground, but shall be a continuation of theoriginal assignment, subject to all the limitations and conditions underwhich the ground was originally assigned.
The lessee of any bathing ground, the rent of which is to be paid to thefollowing September of any year, may abandon his holdings at any time withoutbeing liable for the payment of the rent for the following year, provided henotifies an officer or the Commissioner in writing of his intention to do sobefore September 1. This notice, when received by the officer, shall beimmediately forwarded by him to the office of the Commissioner.
(Code 1950, §§ 28-39, 28-187; 1952, c. 649; 1960, c. 517; 1962, c. 406, §§28.1-44, 28.1-118.1; 1984, c. 100; 1986, c. 184; 1992, c. 836.)