§ 28.2-647. Declaring certain areas near the mouth of the Poquoson River, inYork County, public oyster rocks, beds and shoals.
The following ground near the mouth of the Poquoson River in York County,contained within the following boundaries is declared to be public oysterrocks, beds, and shoals and unassignable to any person for private use.
Tract No. 1. Beginning at low-water mark on the extreme east side of GoodwinIslands at a point known as Tues Point; thence following the low-water markon the eastern side of Goodwin Islands in a general southerly direction tothe extreme southern point of said Goodwin Islands; thence in a southerlydirection to corner No. 7 of the 27.72 acre oyster lease of C. E., W. T. andJ. T. Crockett, H. H. Hansford and S. E. Wescott; thence in a generaleasterly direction to corner No. 6 of said oyster lease; thence in asoutherly direction to corner No. 5 of said oyster lease; thence in a generalwesterly direction to corner No. 4 of said oyster lease; thence due south tothe low-water mark on the east side of Crab Neck; thence following thelow-water mark on the east side of said Crab Neck in a general southerlydirection to the extreme tip of said Crab Neck, known as York Point; thencein a general south-southwesterly direction to corner No. 3 of Public GroundNo. 9, York County; thence in a southeasterly direction along the northeastside of said Public Ground to Public Ground corner No. 4; thence in a generalsoutherly direction on the east side of said Public Ground to corner No. 1 ofsaid Public Ground; thence in a general southeasterly direction to PublicGround corner No. 3 of Public Ground No. 8, York County; thence in anortheasterly direction following the west side of Public Ground No. 8 toPublic Ground corner No. 2; thence in an easterly direction along thenorthern side of Public Ground No. 8 to Public Ground corner No. 1; thence ina southwest direction along the east side of Public Ground No. 8 to PublicGround corner No. 4; thence in a due east course to the low-water mark on theeast side of the mouth of Bennett's Creek; thence following the low-watermark in a general easterly direction to Marsh Point, said point is located atthe extreme southeast side of the mouth of the Poquoson River; thence in ageneral northwesterly direction on a line toward Tues Point to a point on thesoutheast side of Public Ground No. 7, York County; thence in a southwestdirection along the southeast side of Public Ground No. 7 to Public Groundcorner No. 4; thence in a northwesterly direction along the southwest side ofsaid Public Ground No. 7 to Public Ground corner No. 1; thence in anortheasterly direction along the northwest side of said Public Ground No. 7to a point; thence following the south line of the oyster ground of C. E.Crockett and A. P. Thomas, said lease containing 12.70 acres, in a generalwesterly direction to corner No. 3 of said oyster lease; thence following thewest side of said oyster lease in a general northerly direction to corner No.2 of said lease; thence in a northeasterly direction along the northwest sideof said oyster lease to a point, said point being located on a line from TuesMarsh to Marsh Point; thence in a northwesterly direction to the low-watermark to Tues Point, or the point of beginning.
Tract No. 2. Beginning at the low-water mark on the extreme east side ofPlumtree Point, said point located on the north side of the mouth of BackRiver, said point is the eastmost point on said side of river; thence in ageneral north-northwesterly direction toward corner No. 3 of Public GroundNo. 7, York County, to a point on the south side of M. F. Quinn's 90.40 acreoyster ground lease; thence in a westerly direction along the south line ofM. F. Quinn's oyster lease to a point, said point being located on thesoutheast side of York County, Public Ground No. 7; thence in a southwesterlydirection along the southeast side of Public Ground No. 7, York County, to apoint, said point is located along a line from Tues Point to Marsh Point;thence in a general southeasterly direction along the heretofore describedline to the low-water mark on Marsh Point, said Marsh Point being the extremeeast point of the south side of the mouth of Poquoson River; thence in ageneral southeasterly direction along the low-water mark to the point ofbeginning.
(Code 1950, § 28-204.5; 1958, c. 175; 1962, c. 406, § 28.1-157; 1992, c. 836.)