§ 28.2-705. License restrictions; exemption; penalty.
A. It is unlawful to:
1. Take crabs with a rake which is pulled or pushed by a boat;
2. Use a crab pot which has a mesh less than 1 1/2 inches, unless a differentmesh size is promulgated pursuant to subsection B of § 28.2-701;
3. Place food, except as may be provided for in regulations of theCommission, for adult male (jimmy) crabs in a peeler pot. A peeler pot isexempt from mesh size limitations, unless a peeler pot mesh size ispromulgated pursuant to subsection B of § 28.2-701;
4. Use a boat when buying crabs which is also used to take or catch hardcrabs with dredges, when the Commission has limited the taking of crabs under§ 28.2-713.
B. Any person who violates any provision of this section is guilty of a Class3 misdemeanor.
(Code 1950, § 28-170; 1954, c. 368; 1956, c. 293; 1960, c. 517; 1962, c. 406,§ 28.1-165; 1964, c. 393; 1966, c. 684; 1968, c. 785; 1970, c. 726; 1979, c.274; 1983, cc. 307, 603; 1985, c. 180; 1990, c. 154; 1992, c. 836; 1995, c.129; 1998, c. 88; 1999, c. 550.)