§ 28.2-708. Limitations on sizes of crabs to be taken; inspection of catch;exemption; penalty.
A. It is unlawful for any person to catch, take or have in his possessionmore than ten hard crabs per United States standard bushel or thirty-fivehard crabs per barrel, which measure less than five inches across the shellfrom tip to tip of the longest spikes, or to destroy them in any manner.Those undersized crabs in excess of the allowance level shall be immediatelyreturned to the water alive. Adult female crabs, peeler crabs and soft crabsare exempt from these limitations.
B. Any officer may grade or cull any number of barrels, baskets or containersof crabs in any person's possession.
If the officer finds more than ten undersize hard crabs per United Statesstandard bushel or thirty-five per barrel, he shall seize the entire quantityof crabs in or from each such container, and the person who possessed thecrabs shall immediately return them to the water. Refusal to return the crabsto the water is a separate offense from any other violation.
C. The requirement in subsections A and B to return crabs to the waters shallapply to crabs taken and in possession of a crabber or catcher but shall notapply to crabs which have been purchased by and are in the possession of abuyer, nor shall it apply to crabs which have been transported at least fivemiles from the nearest salt water.
D. The Commission may change such size restrictions for a period not toexceed sixty days to respond to significant ecological changes.
E. A violation of this section is a Class 3 misdemeanor.
(Code 1950, § 28-172; 1960, c. 517; 1962, c. 406, § 28.1-167; 1966, c. 684;1970, cc. 610, 726; 1977, c. 35; 1978, c. 369; 1981, c. 52; 1985, c. 166;1992, c. 836; 1996, cc. 136, 333.)