§ 28.2-709. Closed season for taking crabs in certain area; penalty.
It is unlawful for any person to take or catch crabs for resale from thefollowing area except during those periods established pursuant toregulations adopted by the Commission. Ownership of a current license to takeor catch crabs shall be prima facie evidence that such taking or catching ofcrabs was for resale. The limits of the area are defined as follows:
Beginning at the point of origin of the center line of the Hampton RoadsBridge Tunnel facility where such facility commences in the City of Norfolk,Virginia, and following the shoreline in a general easterly direction, andalso extending 200' out from the mean low-water mark of such shoreline intothe Chesapeake Bay, to Harrison's fishing pier, Ocean View, and thence in ageneral northerly direction to Thimble Shoal Lighthouse; thence running inapproximately a northeasterly direction to Cape Charles Lighthouse, locatedon Smiths Island; and thence in approximately a southwestern direction toCape Henry Lighthouse, and bounded by the shoreline; and thence following theshoreline in a general westerly direction back to the point of beginning.
A violation of this section is a Class 3 misdemeanor.
(Code 1950, § 28-174; 1962, c. 406, § 28.1-170; 1977, c. 262; 1978, cc. 107,278; 1979, c. 128; 1992, c. 836; 2009, c. 170.)