§ 28.2-712. Identification of crab pots and eel pots; penalty.
On and after January 1, 1993, any person owning or using a crab pot or eelpot, for whom a license is required by this subtitle, shall display andmaintain an identification number, issued by the Commissioner, on the floator stake attached to each such crab pot or eel pot, in a legible and visiblemanner and in figures of not less than one inch in height. The identificationof the owner of such crab pot or eel pot by the number above described shallnot result in liability on its owner for its location so long as the crab potor eel pot is placed in the waters of this Commonwealth in compliance withVirginia law.
A violation of this section is a Class 1 misdemeanor.
(1968, c. 750, § 28.1-173.2; 1992, cc. 235, 836.)