§ 28.2-803. Examination, analysis and inspection.
A. The State Health Commissioner may in his discretion, or shall at therequest of the Governor, the Marine Resources Commission, or the Commissionerof Marine Resources, conduct an examination or analysis of crustacea, finfishand shellfish, whether on the planting grounds, in an establishment, or inany other place in this Commonwealth, from which the products are to be takenor sold for food purposes.
B. The State Health Commissioner in making such examination may analyze thewater and bottom sediment in and adjacent to the crustacea, finfish, orshellfish growing areas for evidence of pollution, and he may survey thesanitary conditions and pollution hazards adjacent to shellfish growingareas, both in the water and on shore.
C. The State Health Commissioner in conducting his analysis shall examine theestablishments in which crustacea, finfish and shellfish are handled and thesanitary conditions surrounding the establishment. At that time, he mayanalyze the crustacea, finfish and shellfish in the establishment.
(Code 1950, § 28-159; 1962, c. 406, § 28.1-175; 1992, c. 836.)