§ 28.2-807. Condemnation of polluted growing area; procedure.
If, after examination of the crustacea, finfish or shellfish in a growingarea, or the bottom in or adjacent to such area, or the water over such area,or the sanitary or pollution conditions adjacent to or in near proximity to agrowing area, the State Health Commissioner determines that the crustacea,finfish or shellfish are unfit for market, he shall, after notifying theCommissioner of Marine Resources, establish boundaries of the area in whichthe crustacea, finfish or shellfish are located or planted. This area shallbe condemned and remain so until the Health Commissioner finds suchcrustacea, finfish or shellfish, or area, sanitary and not polluted. TheCommissioner of Marine Resources, with instructions from the State HealthCommissioner, shall erect markers or signs designating condemned areas. Thenecessary markers or signs shall be supplied to the Commissioner of MarineResources by the State Health Commissioner.
(Code 1950, § 28-161; 1962, c. 406, § 28.1-177; 1979, c. 714; 1992, c. 836.)