§ 28.2-812. Sealing motor vehicles used in transporting.
Permits shall not be issued to any motor vehicle transporting or relayingshellfish from condemned areas unless the motor vehicle has an enclosed bodywith doors which can be sealed by an officer. An officer may refuse to issuesuch a permit if he determines the motor vehicle cannot be properly sealed.
If shellfish from condemned areas are to be transported for depuration orrelaying by a motor vehicle, an officer shall seal the body of the motorvehicle before departure. It is unlawful for the seal to be broken by anyoneexcept an officer at the location where the cargo is to be discharged forrelaying or depuration. After the seal has been broken, an officer shallsupervise the relaying of the shellfish from the motor vehicle to theapproved area or the unloading of the motor vehicle at the depurationfacility.
(Code 1950, § 28-162.1; 1960, c. 517; 1962, c. 406, § 28.1-179; 1966, c. 684;1968, c. 745; 1979, c. 274; 1981, c. 52; 1986, c. 184; 1988, c. 600; 1992, c.836.)