§ 29.1-103.1. Control and eradication of wildlife diseases; Board authorizedto promulgate regulations.
The Board, in consultation with the Virginia Department of Agriculture andConsumer Services, the State Veterinarian, and representatives of appropriateagriculture agencies and organizations, may promulgate regulations pertainingto diseases in wildlife populations. The regulations shall include, but notbe limited to, (i) measures to be implemented to eradicate or prevent thespread of such diseases and (ii) procedures for the condemnation andindemnification of captive wildlife. Regulations promulgated by the Boardunder this section shall not conflict with (a) the laws enforced by theVirginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, or (b) theregulations, orders, proclamations, quarantines, or authority of theCommissioner of Agriculture and Consumer Services, the State Veterinarian, orthe Board of Agriculture and Consumer Services. Livestock and poultry shallnot be governed by any regulations promulgated under this section by theBoard.
(2006, c. 12.)