§ 29.1-103.2. Assent to wildlife restoration projects and sport fishingrestoration and management projects.
The Commonwealth hereby assents to the provisions of the Federal Aid inWildlife Restoration Act of September 2, 1937 (16 U.S.C. § 669 et seq.), asamended, and to the provisions of the Federal Aid in Sport Fish RestorationAct of August 9, 1950 (16 U.S.C. § 777 et seq.), as amended. The Director andthe Board are hereby authorized to perform all such acts as may be necessaryfor the establishment and implementation of cooperative wildlife restorationprojects and fish restoration and management projects, as defined in thesefederal statutes and the implementing regulations promulgated thereunder.Revenues derived from license fees paid by hunters and fishermen, as well asinterest, dividends, or other income earned on such revenues, shall not bediverted and shall be used solely for the administration of the Department'sfish and wildlife programs.
(2006, c. 24.)