§ 29.1-217. Special conservation police officers receiving no compensationfrom Commonwealth.
A. On request of any employer owning more than 500 acres in thisCommonwealth, the Director may appoint as special conservation policeofficers persons employed by the owner. No such special conservation policeofficer shall receive any compensation from the Commonwealth for his servicesas such. Any such special conservation police officer shall give the bondrequired by § 29.1-201 prior to serving. The powers and authority of suchspecial conservation police officer shall not extend beyond the lands of hisemployer. The Director may require any special conservation police officer toperform duties on such lands as are required for the enforcement of thischapter.
B. On request of two or more adjoining landowners who own 1,000 or morecontiguous acres in this Commonwealth, the Director may appoint as specialconservation police officers persons employed by one or more of thelandowners. No such special conservation police officer shall receive anycompensation from the Commonwealth for his services as such. Any such specialconservation police officer shall give the bond required by § 29.1-201 priorto serving. The powers and authority of such special conservation policeofficer shall not extend beyond the lands of the adjoining landownersrequesting the appointment of the special conservation police officer. TheDirector may require any special conservation police officer to performduties on such lands as are required for the enforcement of this chapter.
C. The Commonwealth and the Department shall not be liable in any manner forthe acts or omissions of special conservation police officers appointedpursuant to this section occurring during the performance of their duties asspecial conservation police officers.
D. Each request for appointment of a special conservation police officershall be accompanied by a nonrefundable fee of $100 to defray the cost ofprocessing the request.
(1954, c. 700, § 29-37.1; 1987, c. 488; 1994, c. 411; 1997, c. 185; 2007, c.87.)