§ 29.1-300.2. Hunter education program.
The Department shall provide for a course of instruction in hunter safety,principles of conservation, and sportsmanship, and for this purpose maycooperate with any reputable association or organization having as one of itsobjectives the promotion of hunter safety, principles of conservation, andsportsmanship.
The Board shall establish six full-time hunter education coordinatorpositions. Each coordinator will be assigned to a conservation police officerdistrict and have the responsibility for providing hunter education trainingin that district.
The Department may designate as a hunter safety instructor any person foundby it to be competent to give instruction in the courses required by thisarticle. A person so appointed shall give such course of instruction, and,upon completion thereof, shall issue to the person instructed a certificateof competency as provided by the Board in hunter safety, principles ofconservation, and sportsmanship.
The Board shall prescribe a minimum level of skill and knowledge to berequired of all hunter safety instructors, and may limit the number ofstudents per instructor in all required classes.
The Board may revoke the certificate of any instructor when, in the opinionof the Board, it is in the best interest of the Commonwealth to do so.
The Board shall promulgate rules and regulations in order to administer andenforce the provisions of §§ 29.1-300.1 through 29.1-300.3.
(1987, c. 83, § 29-51.2; 2007, c. 87.)