§ 29.1-302.3. Special guest fishing licenses.
An owner or bona fide lessee of private land bordering inland waters lyingadjacent to North Carolina land or water may apply for a special guestfishing license entitling the licensee and his guests to fish from theproperty and any private dock, pier or other permanent extension into publicwaters without an additional fishing license except as required in designatedwaters stocked with trout and in waters where a daily fishing fee has beenimposed pursuant to § 29.1-318. The annual fee of a special guest fishinglicense shall be $50 or as subsequently revised by the Board pursuant to §29.1-103. A special guest fishing license shall not be valid for anyproperty, pier or dock operated for any commercial purpose. A special guestfishing license shall not be in force unless displayed on the premises of theproperty. A special guest fishing license shall not be transferable.
(1992, c. 198; 2009, c. 9.)