§ 29.1-302.4. Special lifetime trout fishing licenses for residents andnonresidents.
A. Any resident or nonresident individual may apply for and receive from theDepartment, after payment of the appropriate fee, any of the followinglifetime licenses, which shall be valid for the life of the individual,nontransferable, and shall permit the person to engage in the licensedactivity on any property in the Commonwealth according to restrictions andregulations of law:
1. A special resident lifetime trout fishing license, to be obtained for afee of $250. This license is valid for the lifetime of the license holdereven if the license holder becomes a nonresident of the Commonwealthsubsequent to the purchase of the license.
2. A special nonresident lifetime trout fishing license, to be obtained for afee of $500. Such special lifetime trout fishing licenses shall apply only tospecially stocked trout waters as may be designated by the Board, and shallserve in lieu of the state resident trout fishing license as provided for insubdivision B 1 of § 29.1-310 or state nonresident trout fishing license asprovided for in subdivision B 2 of § 29.1-310. Such special lifetime troutfishing licenses shall serve in addition to fishing license fees as providedfor in subdivision A of § 29.1-310 or special lifetime fishing license asprovided for in § 29.1-302.1.
B. Applications for all lifetime trout fishing licenses authorized by thissection shall be made to the Department. The form and issuance of such alicense shall conform to the provisions of this chapter for all licenses.
Except as otherwise specifically provided by law, all money credited to, heldby, or to be received by the Department from the sale of licenses authorizedby this section shall be consolidated and placed in the Lifetime Hunting andFishing Endowment Fund established in § 29.1-101.1.
C. Any resident forty-five years of age or older who applies for the residentlifetime trout licenses authorized by this section shall receive such alicense for one of the following fees based on age: age forty-five throughfifty, $200; age fifty-one through fifty-five, $150; age fifty-six throughsixty, $100; age sixty-one through sixty-four, fifty dollars; and agesixty-five or older, ten dollars.
D. The Board may subsequently revise the cost of licenses set forth in thissection pursuant to § 29.1-103.
(2002, c. 67; 2009, c. 9.)