§ 29.1-303.3. Youth resident and nonresident combination hunting licenseestablished; fee.
There is hereby established a state youth resident combination huntinglicense, which may be obtained by any resident under the age of 16 to hunt inall counties and cities of the Commonwealth, and to hunt (i) bear, deer andturkey, (ii) with a bow and arrow during the special archery seasons, and(iii) with a crossbow during special archery seasons, and (iv) with amuzzleloader during the special muzzleloading seasons. The fee for thislicense shall be $15. The license shall serve in lieu of the state juniorresident hunting license, the special license for hunting bear, deer andturkey, the special archery license, the special crossbow license, and thespecial muzzleloading license. For a nonresident youth under the age of 16the fee for such a license shall be $30. The Board may subsequently revisethe cost of licenses set forth in this section pursuant to § 29.1-103.
(1996, cc. 118, 151; 2004, c. 269; 2007, c. 40; 2009, c. 9.)