§ 29.1-312. Special fishing or hunting permits for certain veterans.
Upon application received from the director or other comparable officialrepresenting any veterans hospital or other military hospital in Virginia,any adjoining state, or the District of Columbia, the Director may permit anyorganized group of patients (i) actually residing in such hospitals or (ii)actively receiving outpatient medical treatment to hunt without licenses onany lands of the Commonwealth where it is otherwise legal to do so or to fishwithout licenses in any public waters open to fishing, including designatedwaters stocked with trout and in waters where a daily fishing fee has beenimposed pursuant to § 29.1-318. The application for the permit shall statethe date or dates upon which it will be used, the general area in which itwill be used, and the name of the person or organization responsible for thegroup.
(1974, c. 277, § 29-55.3; 1987, c. 488; 2008, c. 11; 2009, c. 5.)