§ 29.1-314. Special fishing permits for certain handicapped persons.
A. Upon receipt of an application from an officer or designatedrepresentative of any organized group of physically or mentally handicappedpersons who meet on a regular basis, including students at schools for theblind or deaf, the Director may issue not more than two permits of one dayeach, in any calendar year, to such group to fish without licenses in publicwaters open to fishing. The permits shall not be issued for use in designatedwaters stocked with trout or in waters where a daily fishing fee has beenimposed pursuant to § 29.1-318; however, a permit may be issued to such groupto fish without licenses on the second Saturday of May in designated watersstocked with trout.
B. The application for the permit shall state the name and description of thegroup, the date upon which it will be used, the general area in which it willbe used, and the name of the person or organization responsible for the group.
(1976, c. 144, § 29-55.3:1; 1987, c. 488; 2006, cc. 8, 37.)