§ 29.1-315. Special fishing permits for certain school classes.
A. Upon receipt of an application from a qualified instructor, the Directormay issue a special permit to the instructor authorizing the class describedin the application to fish without licenses in public waters open to fishing.Any special permit so issued shall be valid only during regular school hoursand only when fishing by the class occurs under the direct and immediatesupervision of the instructor to whom it is issued. These special permitsshall not be valid for fishing in designated waters stocked with trout or inwaters where a daily fishing fee has been imposed pursuant to § 29.1-318.
B. The application shall be a written request for a class fishing permitsubmitted by a qualified instructor and countersigned by the principal of theschool in which the applicant teaches. The application shall state (i) thename of the school; (ii) the county or city in which the school is located;(iii) the name and general subject matter of the class; and (iv) the generalgeographic area in which the permit is intended to be used. For the purposesof this section a "qualified instructor" means a person who teaches in aschool located in Virginia a course at the eighth grade level or above forwhich credit is awarded which includes instruction in fishing techniques andwho possesses a valid license to fish in the area in which the fishingtechniques are taught.
(1979, c. 197, § 29-55.3:2; 1987, c. 488.)